Bleed - meaning and definition. What is Bleed
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What (who) is Bleed - definition

Bleed (disambiguation); Bleed; Bleeder; Bleed (song); Bleeder (disambiguation); The Bleeding

¦ verb (past and past participle bled)
1. lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness.
2. draw blood from (someone) as a former method of medical treatment.
3. (often in phr. bleed someone dry) informal drain of money or resources.
4. (of dye or colour) seep into an adjacent colour or area.
Printing (of a design) be printed so that it runs off the page after trimming.
5. allow (fluid or gas) to escape from a closed system through a valve.
¦ noun the action or an instance of bleeding.
OE bledan, of Gmc origin; related to blood.
(bleeds, bleeding, bled)
When you bleed, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness.
His head had struck the sink and was bleeding...
She's going to bleed to death!
VERB: V, V to n
This results in internal bleeding.
If the colour of one substance bleeds into the colour of another substance that it is touching, it goes into the other thing so that its colour changes in an undesirable way.
The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.
VERB: V prep
If someone is being bled, money or other resources are gradually being taken away from them.
We have been gradually bled for twelve years...
They mean to bleed the British to the utmost.
VERB: be V-ed, V n [disapproval]
see also nosebleed
I. v. n.
Lose blood, drip blood, be dropping with blood.
Lose sap or juice, drip sap.
Be slaughtered, be slain, die.
II. v. a.
Take blood from.
Exude, secrete, give forth, drop.


Bleeding (disambiguation)

Bleeding usually means the leakage or loss of blood from the body.

Bleeding, bleed, or bleeder may also refer to:

  • Bleed (printing), intentionally printing across the expected trim line or edge of the sheet
  • Bleed, or spill (audio), when audio from one source is picked up by a microphone intended for a different source
  • Bleed, the presence of surface water on concrete
  • Bleed air, compressed air taken from gas turbine compressor stages
  • Bleeder, baseball term for a weakly hit ground ball that goes for a base hit
  • Bleeder resistor, which passively discharges a capacitor when it is disconnected or equipment is powered off
  • Bleeding (computer graphics), a computer graphics term for when a graphic object passes through another in an unwanted manner
  • Bleeding (roads), a type of pavement distress common in asphalt roads
  • Bleeding, or capillary action, the ability of a substance (such as blood, ink, or water) to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, and in opposition to external forces like gravity
  • Bleeding, purging air from a radiator, brake line, fuel line, etc.
  • Bleeding, the migration by dissolution of a component of a composite, e.g., pigments bleed into some plasticizers
  • Bleeding order, a relation between rules in linguistics
  • Bloodletting, a practice once believed to cure diseases
Pronunciation examples for Bleed
1. bleed over.
Nick Offerman My Life and Career _ Talks at Google
2. They bleed together.
The Bay Area's Housing & Transit Problem _ Egon Terplan _ Talks at Google
3. my ears bleed.
Audio Quality in Streaming Media _ Andrew Scheps _ Talks at Google
4. crack and bleed.
Why Do Our Noses Run in the Cold
5. bleed into the next.
Conversations on Mindful Leadership from the Front Lines _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Bleed
1. Israel will bleed economically, but will overcome.
2. The optimism of those early days began to bleed away.
3. These actions would further bleed support from the Islamist radicals.
4. Such carryover is "not blowback, it‘s bleed–over," he said.
5. Crucially and extraordinarily, bleed air is not filtered at all.